Friday, January 9, 2009

Afternoon discussions...

Manny: what happened to the chocolate?

10 minutes
4:09 PM me: The chocolate fell out of the car and died on the road bed
Manny: That is a sad story
me: I know!

8 minutes
4:40 PM me: wow, that's was some math before
4:41 PM Manny: I use it on knucklehead sportswriters to explain the difference between 1 mil and 1 bil
1 million seconds is 11.5 days
1 billion seconds is 32 years

5 minutes
4:46 PM Manny: speaking of idiots and numbers, I heard mitch mcconnell say on NPR this morning that dems have to listen to the rethugs, because, in the senate, the represent half the american people
the host didn't challenge this
4:47 PM which is hilariously and obviously untrue on its face
me: ha
4:48 PM Manny: I mean, even ignoring the fact that they're not even close to half the senate
the only population centers they hold are FLA and TX
That actually gives them a bit more than 35 percent of the American public
4:50 PM me: word
4:53 PM Manny: What's 25 percent between friends?
4:55 PM this would be the boat:

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