Thursday, February 26, 2009

News 2.0 OR what's in a blog?

4:19 PM Manny: I liked this article
these people seem to understand that not everything on the internet should be called a ``blog''
4:20 PM me: ha
Manny: seems like a small thing, and yet....
the New York Times fails blog identification 101
Go read some of their ``blogs'' sometime

4:22 PM

they're closing the Rocky Mountain News tomorrow
People don't get it, it's about the pipeline, not the content
Cable company's are starting television channels
they own the pipes
Cable companies will make money off news in the future.
it comes through their pipe

Ok, we admit it, We're life in diatribe, and we're adicted to bobby jindal

5 minutes
10:41 AM me: that's funny
10:42 AM I said that we would stop talking about bj on our blog, but I'm going to have to post this.
10:43 AM Manny: You will also enjoy Gail Collins' mockery of Bobby J this morning
10:46 AM me: did you see the quote from his speech about Katrina that I posted?
10:49 AM Manny: yes, he is stupid
Gail Collins says the same thing
10:50 AM I guess we should take back the $130 billion sent to LA post-storm
They don't want federal money!
me: word
no more bailouts for them!


Me: I made a smoothy. It's medium. I need a recipe or something.
10:29 AM Manny: smoothies are tough, I think
hard to know your proportions

5 minutes
10:34 AM me: that's exactly the problem, right now I'm drinking yogurt

**Readers, if any of can help, please do!


Manny: A-Rod: "Do you want to know th terrifying truth, or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?"

31 minutes
10:25 AM me: lol
Dingers! Dingers! Dingers!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ok seriously, we're going to stop talking about him soon

This is the really amazing part of his speech. Bobby J beleives that the problem during huricaine Katrina was TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT! I was mostly joking in a previous post when I said that, and then he says it for real. Imagine, if only the government had just stayed away from New Orleans for longer, compassionate people would have been much better able to help each other. If only government had been less interested in building levies than they already were, then maybe the compassion of the poeple would have been able to hold the flood waters back.

What bobby said:

"Today in Washington, some are promising that government will rescue us from the economic storms raging all around us.

Those of us who lived through Hurricane Katrina -- we have our doubts.

Let me tell you a story.

During Katrina, I visited Sheriff Harry Lee, a Democrat and a good friend of mine. When I walked into his makeshift office, I'd never seen him so angry. He was yelling into the phone: "Well, I'm the Sheriff and if you don't like it you can come and arrest me!" I asked him: "Sheriff, what's got you so mad?" He told me that he had put out a call for volunteers to come with their boats to rescue people who were trapped on their rooftops by the floodwaters. The boats were all lined up ready to go, when some bureaucrat showed up and told them they couldn't go out on the water unless they had proof of insurance and registration. I told him, "Sheriff, that's ridiculous." And before I knew it, he was yelling into the phone: "Congressman Jindal is here, and he says you can come and arrest him too!" Harry just told the boaters to ignore the bureaucrats and go start rescuing people.

There is a lesson in this experience: The strength of America is not found in our government. It is found in the compassionate hearts and the enterprising spirit of our citizens. We are grateful for the support we have received from across the nation for the ongoing recovery efforts. This spirit got Louisiana through the hurricanes and this spirit will get our nation through the storms we face today."

bobby j follow up

Manny: your boy Jindal really took it on the chin last night
So much for him being popular

8 minutes
12:27 PM Manny: even dad's favorite republican called him Urkle
12:30 PM And Duncan Black:
I saw only about 40% of Jindal's speech but...

Ha Ha
12:33 PM me: That's what duncan black said?

joe, joel, what's the diff?


5 minutes
10:47 AM me: That makes me feel a little better
10:48 AM Manny: joe klein is a total beltway hack
and he's saying this
In other words, Jindal--the alleged voice of the GOP future--had absolutely nothing new to say. And what he did say, about the stimulus, was purposefully misleading. I'm not sure how well the Obama stimulus, banking and budget plans will work. No one does. But I do know how the philosophy and the misleading politics that Jindal offered today has worked in the recent past.

It's been a disaster.
10:50 AM me: Can I publish that Joel Klein is a total hack on our blog?
10:51 AM Manny: Joel Klein may be a hack also, though you'd be better able to determine that than. I was referring to Joe Klein, the newsweek hack. I
10:52 AM me: That's what I meant
ha ha ha
10:55 AM Can I publish that Joe Klein is a hack on our blog?
Which, by the way, I have been updating
Manny: Why not? What's Joe Klein gonna do? Accuse you of being insufficiently centrist?
10:57 AM threaten to come to your house and read parts of Primary Colors aloud?
10:58 AM me: ha ha ha ha ha

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

oh bobby, why can't we stop talking about you?


5 minutes
10:47 AM me: That makes me feel a little better
10:48 AM Manny: joe klein is a total beltway hack
and he's saying this
In other words, Jindal--the alleged voice of the GOP future--had absolutely nothing new to say. And what he did say, about the stimulus, was purposefully misleading. I'm not sure how well the Obama stimulus, banking and budget plans will work. No one does. But I do know how the philosophy and the misleading politics that Jindal offered today has worked in the recent past.

It's been a disaster.
10:50 AM me: Can I publish that Joel Klein is a total hack on our blog?
10:51 AM Manny: Joel Klein may be a hack also, though you'd be better able to determine that then. I was referring to Joe Klein, the newsweek hack.
10:52 AM me: That's what I meant
ha ha ha
10:55 AM Can I publish that Joe Klein is a hack on our blog?
Which, by the way, I have been updating
Manny: Why not? What's Joe Klein gonna do? Accuse you of being insufficiently centrist?
10:57 AM threaten to come to your house and read parts of Primary Colors aloud?
10:58 AM me: ha ha ha ha ha
It was more out of concern for you than me
10:59 AM you are only thinly disguised
11:03 AM Manny: I have about as much in common with a cable celebrity journalist as they do with edward r murrow

Monday, February 23, 2009

On a related note... (Bobby J)

Totally unrelated

1:06 PM Manny: should I carry a fancy pen?
Or is that a *^&^ (Lame) thing?

17 minutes
1:24 PM me: I like to have a decent pen on my at all times

Manny: i got lots of good writing pens
the questiion is, should I carry a $100 pen

-->Gabriel: Readers?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

me: bobby jindal is making me angry, just wrote nonsensical post about it on our blog [See below]
11:48 AM Manny: a tip
don't watch
he's like the monsters on the Simpsons
Just don't look
me: I can't take it, it's like a disease
11:49 AM I have to keep watching him and I can't control it
Manny: if it helps, he's wildly unpopular
outside of louisiana, at least
me: He just claimed that they've "grown the economy" in LA?
11:50 AM It doesn't seem like it's grown.
Manny: yes, with the help of massive federal spending
there's also a theory that driving the poor people to texas helps the economy
11:51 AM me: yes, I'm sure that would help keep down louisiana's spending. A couple more hurricanes and they'll get that done
Manny: I will say this about bobby j
11:52 AM he's not as dumb as most of the crap he says on tv
I hate that argument about people
because all you have to go by is what they say on tv
but bobby j doesn't mean most of the rethug nonsense he has to spout
me: based on...
Manny: it appears by his actions
11:53 AM me: which are?
11:54 AM Manny: mostly practical
non ideological
he's not actually done anything like demanding the ten commandments carved into the forearms of local judges
even though he talks like he wants to
11:55 AM he
's basically a big liar
me: ha
11:56 AM Manny: I have voted for bobby j, in my life
and I bet things would have worked out better if he'd won then
me: really. what did you vote for him for?
11:57 AM Manny: glubernor
he ran against blanco
the first time
I'd met blanco, and couldn't vote for her
me: interesting
Manny: all my racist rethug friends switched to vote for her
he lost
11:58 AM me: ahh
but he does say horrible things though
Manny: yes
12:00 PM me: Louisiana is a pretty crazy place

11 minutes
12:11 PM Manny: yes it is
i switched to vote for him, my republican friends switched to vote against him

Bobby Jindal

So Jindal (Sp?) was on Meet the Press this morning. WOW.

It's almost like he doesn't know that the largest city in his state is still in ruins. This guy can run for president all he wants and boy he's clear "I don't think we're going to solve our economic problems through government spending."

He just said that when president bush cut taxes, he created jobs. That's strange. I know a lot of people who are not scam artists who didn't feel any benefit of those bush tax cuts except for the couple of tanks of gas the rebate allowed them to buy during the summer.

The other bit I love, "Spending is creating debt that our children and my grandchildren will have to pay..." OH! and here I thought the billions and billions of dollars wasted by unregulated banks and other rich republican cronies was creating debt for our children and grandchildren. I was wrong, previously nonexistent government attempts to salvage our failing economy and governor Jindal's decimated state are to blame. Now I've got it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

As a pont of contrast

To our republican quote below we reply:

Are black republicans racist?

me: sweet dude
9:42 AM Manny: I heard he said it was gonna be ``off the hook.''
Someone looked it up, and that's a restaurant in Atlantic Highlands
Where I have eaten, I might add
9:44 AM me: mmm. racist food
Manny: it's actually a fish joint
me: mmm. racist fish
9:47 AM Manny: heh
it's in the marina. It's just a fishing joke
me: ha
9:48 AM me: ha
9:49 AM Manny: tho, I mean, who doesn't like racist fish
me: they're race-a-licious!

oh, economy, how we love you!

Gabriel: did you see this on Atrios today?, I meant:
Newly Common Phrases

"Legacy Loans."

I guess "chunks of big shitpile" isn't family friendly enough.
Sent at 10:23 AM on Friday

Manny: i like to call it the big shitpile
that's totally accurate description