Sunday, February 22, 2009

me: bobby jindal is making me angry, just wrote nonsensical post about it on our blog [See below]
11:48 AM Manny: a tip
don't watch
he's like the monsters on the Simpsons
Just don't look
me: I can't take it, it's like a disease
11:49 AM I have to keep watching him and I can't control it
Manny: if it helps, he's wildly unpopular
outside of louisiana, at least
me: He just claimed that they've "grown the economy" in LA?
11:50 AM It doesn't seem like it's grown.
Manny: yes, with the help of massive federal spending
there's also a theory that driving the poor people to texas helps the economy
11:51 AM me: yes, I'm sure that would help keep down louisiana's spending. A couple more hurricanes and they'll get that done
Manny: I will say this about bobby j
11:52 AM he's not as dumb as most of the crap he says on tv
I hate that argument about people
because all you have to go by is what they say on tv
but bobby j doesn't mean most of the rethug nonsense he has to spout
me: based on...
Manny: it appears by his actions
11:53 AM me: which are?
11:54 AM Manny: mostly practical
non ideological
he's not actually done anything like demanding the ten commandments carved into the forearms of local judges
even though he talks like he wants to
11:55 AM he
's basically a big liar
me: ha
11:56 AM Manny: I have voted for bobby j, in my life
and I bet things would have worked out better if he'd won then
me: really. what did you vote for him for?
11:57 AM Manny: glubernor
he ran against blanco
the first time
I'd met blanco, and couldn't vote for her
me: interesting
Manny: all my racist rethug friends switched to vote for her
he lost
11:58 AM me: ahh
but he does say horrible things though
Manny: yes
12:00 PM me: Louisiana is a pretty crazy place

11 minutes
12:11 PM Manny: yes it is
i switched to vote for him, my republican friends switched to vote against him

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