Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Idealogically alligned?

10:21 AM Me: So I got the following email today. Can you pick out the problem?
Good morning Gabriel,

My name is Fred, and I am currently in the principal's certification program at University. JB suggested I contact you. One of my cohort peers, Brandy, and I are very passionate about starting a charter school. We are excited by the excellent results some model charter schools, such as the KIPP and IDEA schools are producing with respect to student achievement and college preparation. As the idea for us is only a seed currently, Judy mentioned that you were interested in starting a charter school and could probably share some valuable information with us.

Perhaps you could share some essential readings you've done, advice on moving forward, or just some of your thoughts on the issues of entrepreneurial education ventures. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

10:22 AM Manny: the shout-out to KIPP?
me: You got it!
10:23 AM If you are reaching out to me for help building a school like KIPP, you are clearly confused. And I'm not even questioning their "results"
10:24 AM Manny: It's like someone writing to me and saying they want to start a news channel that's a combination of FOX and
me: exactly
10:25 AM Manny: I think one could make moneey that way, I just wouldn't want to be that guy
me: you can obviously help them with journalism, but you aren't so interested in promoting their horrible lies
10:26 AM Manny: indeed

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