Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu

(just as a note, we're both Jewish)

11:03 AM me: are you scared of swine flu?
Manny: pretty sure I'm getting over it right now
didn't some of our relatives go to mexico before seder?
11:06 AM me: I have no idea, but pigs are dirty dirty animals. I do not want their diseases
Manny: pigs are actually very clean
me: I actually new that
I was just conforming to my American norms. Blame the victim! Blame the victim!
Kill the pigs!
11:09 AM Especially the communist pigs!
11:12 AM Manny: yes please. And also the Jews
11:14 AM me: That's right! Down with jews and swine. We've always been birds of a feather anyway. Oh yeah, and DOWN WITH BIRDS!
(they have flus too, just like jews)
Manny: oh, birds are sketch
11:15 AM can't argue with you there
their beady little eyes never look right at you

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Best day ever?

Ok, so I've confessed to being a complete and total homer in the past. Today's discussion, sparked by Reader Matt, asks the question--greatest philadelphia sports day ever?

21 minutes
1:32 PM Manny: I can't read that, but I can guess what it says
1:35 PM me: why can't you read it
1:36 PM Manny: On bberry
Computer other side pf room
Far away
Plus, its raining
1:38 PM I can read it
1:39 PM me: ah
Manny: I'm gonna argue for oct 19, 1980
The news cycle moved slower in those days

5 minutes
1:44 PM me: true
1:45 PM Manny: People prob learned of the 6ers victory that morn

Friday, April 17, 2009

Regarding our attack on the NYT

12:41 PM me:
M's mad about how we bash the NYT
12:42 PM He says, "if they don't do it, who will? It's not perfect, but it's the best we've got"
Manny: dude, they don't do it. And Josh Marshall does
12:44 PM me: I agree about Josh Marshall obviously, but will TPM then just be the new reliable form of journalism?
Why does the NYT have to be bad?
12:45 PM Manny: because the establishment is not the same as the people
Noam Chomsky is right
the New York times can't even talk about legalizing pot, for example
even though we through 400,000 people, mostly black men, in jail for it every year
12:46 PM and its more popular than Republicanism
me: but WHY can't they?
12:47 PM Manny: it's not their job
their job is to, as Chomsky says, "manufacture consent."
me: sp?
12:49 PM Manny: spelling
12:51 PM me: ah yes, and I'm an english teacher
where was that chomsky piece?
me: not that, the one you were citing the other day
12:54 PM I know his book
12:55 PM Manny: that was some other mockery of the paper
12:56 PM me:
12:59 PM me: found it:
I like Noam Chomsky a lot, seriously
1:00 PM

Brother from another mother

Today, for the first time, we have a guest brother in our discourse. Many of you know our Brother in Afghanistan, JT. We will include discourse with him from time to time.

me (mr. g)


3:32 PM JT: Just pitched the Inqy a story. I went on a mission that was led by a Drexel glad and Collegeville native
me: nice
they love that local shit
JT: Totally.
How's Rue?
me: great
3:37 PM we were both sick this week, but we're better now
JT: Yay! How's school and Val?
3:39 PM me: pretty good. I'm swamped right now
and still pretty week
3:40 PM I ate three rice cakes in 2 days
sorry 2 cakes, three days
how are you?
Where are you?
What's the deal?
JT: I'm at FOB Airborne in Wardak. Basically the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Talibans.
3:41 PM I've been on a number of missions "outside the wire." These have involved everything from "kinetic activity" (shooting0
me: that sounds terrifying
JT: to governance type nationbuilding activity
me: are they any good at that?
3:42 PM That's the shit I'm interested in
JT: Shooting? Yes. Nation-building? I'll let you know.
The trouble is that the Afghans tell us what we want to hear
me: I'm sure they're good at shooting.
it's not surprising they tell us what we want, we have guns
3:43 PM JT: The U.S. has some great plans and very bright people. But the Afghan's situation is incredibly complex and does not lend itself to easy fixes.
This is not germany post WWII
3:44 PM Right now we're arming militia groups to try and bring order to the countryside
me: nope, this is hole in the ass, circa shitting time
JT: The program is in teh mold of what Patreus tried w/ teh Sunnis in Iraq
3:45 PM me: z?
JT: Sure. LOLZ. All the kids say that now!
me: I'm so uncool
3:46 PM JT: I won't argue that. The kids here don't say that though. They say, "Can I please have something to eat?"
I'm soooo hungry
Planting IED's makes me hungry
3:47 PM me: like the kids in third world hovels the world over, mostly, they're hungry
JT: Yeah. This place is a lot like the other shitty places I've been. Just with more guns.
3:48 PM Why do I enjoy these places so?
I've always said that this place is just Malawi on steroids.
And opium.
3:49 PM Yo. are the birds gonna sign Boldin?
3:50 PM me: it's not clear whether they'll be willing to pay for him or not
because they're stupid
JT: My thoughts exactly.
3:51 PM I have to go to sleep now. It's 12:25am here! I'm going to interview corrupt officials, er, our loyal allies in the morning.
me: awesome
peace brother
stay safe
3:52 PM JT: Asalam au'lekum

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baseball goes silent

Yesterday Harry Kalas died.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Newspapers and guarding the wall

2:52 PM Manny: Reports today that parent NYT is telling the Boston Globe to break their unions.
So the Boston Globe is supposed to break it's unions or else?
2:53 PM Manny: really, it's supposed to mass fire everybody
they don't care what unions are left after
me: Well that should improve the quality of journalism
Manny: it always does
2:54 PM as long as the bosses can keep acting self-righteous about how newspapers are the bulwark of freedom and democracy, they don't care if its true.
There's some kind of rule that everyone who criticizes modern journalism has to say ``I love the NY times.''
2:55 PM me: People are very loyal to their childhood memories
I'm constantly getting people mad at me because I casually insult the NYT
Manny: we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. "Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall! You need me on that wall! We use words like Honor, Code, Loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline! I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "Thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!"
Yes, I have found that lots of people knee-jerk defend the times
especially reporters, who should know better
2:56 PM they've ingrained an inferiority complex toward it as well
2:57 PM me: It's part of the problem, I think
2:58 PM Manny: You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall! You need me on that wall!
me: Is that a quote I should know, btw?
Manny: A Few Good Men
me: now I remember
Manny: sarcastic
me: I got it
2:59 PM But who's on the wall now? Who are the defenders?
Talk about how everything online is wonderful, everything paper is crap and then use the online to pimp your upcoming (paper) book. Bonus points for talking about how much you love the New York Times at least twice per blog post. It'll help your credibility. You love the Times, but ...
3:01 PM unrelated, but funny
3:02 PM me: That's not unrelated
Manny: well, the guy's basically defending the ongoing existence of the print product
which we're saying is, to a large extent, crap
But i believe it's always been crap
3:03 PM it is, thus, once- and-future crap
me: I agree. This isn't a problem that has to do with whether you write electronically or not: "Basically, imagine a group of people watching a building burn down and bickering amongst themselves about whether it's a conflagration or an inferno. It's like that, but with consulting fees."
3:07 PM Manny: the thing is, newspapers are aimed at 4th graders
there's no two ways about it
they are
3:09 PM me: I just lost the last thing you posted
Manny: Reporters for the Times can act as pompous as they want, but they write as if for 4th graders.
the paper is middlebrow
at best
3:10 PM If you're smart, it should be beneath you
Lots of very smart, very powerful people won't touch it
3:11 PM I stopped during the Iraq war run-up, and somehow, I remain reasonably well informed
3:13 PM me: I also stopped during the Iraq war run up, they were too grossly negligent to be relied on for anything ever again. (Although both of us obviously still browse enough to get pissed off by the idiots spouting nonsense).
3:14 PM Manny: My buddy tomas calls reading the Times ``a self-inflicted wound.''
People link to it
me: true
that's like the wound I inflict on myself when I feel compelled to watch meet the press
3:15 PM Manny: an engraved invitation to apoplext
3:17 PM me: lol

7 minutes
3:25 PM Manny: It is hard to get people to take seriously the idea that you don't read that paper
It's like, people who went to fancy schools assume people who don't read it are stupid
or land-grant alum
unless they've read a lot of noam chomsky
3:28 PM Chomsky, on the NYT and Iraq: A few days ago, the New York Times—the military and Iraq expert of the New York Times, Michael Gordon, wrote a comprehensive review, first-page comprehensive review, of the options for Iraq that are being faced by the candidates. And he went through them in detail, described the pluses and minuses and so on, interviewing political leaders, the candidates, experts, etc. There was one voice missing: Iraqis. Their preference is not rejected; rather, it’s not mentioned. And it seems that there was no notice of that fact, which makes sense, because it’s typical. It makes sense on the tacit assumption that underlies almost all discourse on international affairs. The tacit assumption, without which none of it makes any sense, is that we own the world. So, what does it matter what others think? They’re “unpeople,” nice term invented by British diplomatic historian [Mark] Curtis, based on a series of outstanding volumes on Britain’s crimes of empire—outstanding work, therefore deeply hidden. So there are the “unpeople” out there, and then there are the owners—that’s us—and we don’t have to listen to the “unpeople.”
3:32 PM me: Nope. We certainly don't
That's why KIPP is such a popular schools program
3:33 PM Manny: those paternalistic fucks can bite my gnards
me: It's a: you, un-people, we own you and can make you little automatons to help us protect our oppressive system
3:35 PM Manny: remember when the Times told us all the it was crazy to think that 100,000 iraqis had died?
Ha ha!
3:36 PM me: Well they didn't, only the little video game people died dude
3:37 PM Manny: Brown people. I once heard that cockknocker Ethan Bronner from the Jerusalem bureau tell on the media, in a condescending tone of voice, that Israelis didn't oppose the gaza incursion of last winter because their media didn't provide them with a true picture of the civilian deaths
with a straight face, he said this
Yeah, those stupid israelis, not being informed about the 1,000 dead people
3:38 PM not like the readers of the Times
daily confronted with the human cost of their reporters' fun and career-advancing excursions to the U.S.'s only active Baghdad bureau
3:39 PM me: ha
3:40 PM do you read Uncle Norman's postings? He talks about how asinine the "uniformed" Israeli concept is:
Manny: i seen it
It was just so hilariously stupid
3:41 PM Yeah, every day I pick up the times and am confronted with the thousands and thousands of dead iraqis. Oh wait.
3:42 PM me: we just saw the first one of our own dead in like 20 years

Monday, April 6, 2009

The difference between debt and deficit

11:07 AM
On a different note, I really wish people would start talking about the difference between deficit and debt
Manny: dude, the media doesn't know the difference between million, billion and trillion
they have the brains of salmon
11:08 AM ooh, look at all the fishies swim that direction!
me: ha
11:09 AM Manny: again, a million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is 31 years
me: ha
11:11 AM But seriously dude, the stupid talking heads say things that don't make any sense at all because they just refuse to differentiate between deficit (how must I'm spending this year that I don't have) and debt (how much I'm in the hole).
That seems pretty basic to me dude
11:14 AM Manny: People who talk on tv for a living are stupid
11:15 AM me: I know, it's just so frustrating

A great lefty tirade! (Not ours, unfotunately for us)

11:16 AM Manny: hang on, I have something funny for you

55 minutes
me: that? I'm still working on it.
1:27 PM Manny:
he calls watching the sunday shows: "an engraved invitation to apoplexy"
It is!
4:31 PM me: Wow. That is quite a tirade.
I kind of love him
4:40 PM Manny: sorry, crazineess here. Tom Hicks just defaulted on half-a-bil in loans financing the Dallas Stars and Texas Rangers
I feel like GW Bush is to blame for this somehow, but I don't know how
4:57 PM me: wow
5:09 PM Manny: Andrew Sullivan is running an ongoing argument for legalizing pot on his blog, urging readers to ``come out of the cannabis closet.'' there's awesome stories there

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some things that make my brother mad (like NYT love for Glen Beck, for example)

3:00 PM Manny: the NYT has now jocked Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and CNBC in the same 6 month period
way to legitimize the guys driving you out of biz
3:01 PM me: and way to undermine all of the journalistic values you always claimed to be the standard bearer for
Manny: exactly
3:02 PM By acting like Fox news is journalists, you lose the value of your own product
3:03 PM me: It's so sad for them, don't they recognize that they are cutting off their own limbs?
Manny: apparently not
there's a lot of detestable stuff in that beck article
"fox news, with which many conservatives have identified..."
Manny: That sentence is just to keep fox's PR people happy
I saw it on the way to my run and bitched the whole way around the park
3:05 PM This article also made me angry/sad for us all
3:06 PM What's wrong with it?
How about the use of the word "layoff?"
again, designed to keep corporate PR people happy
these women aren't being "laid off."
They aren't going to be rehired when the steel plant cranks back up
they're being shitcanned
without cause
3:07 PM lets have Andrew Ross Sorkin stand up for the sanctity of their contracts, like he stood up for the sanctity of AIG contracts

8 minutes

3:17 PM way to gloss his accusing fema of setting up "concentration camps"
(for what? White racists?)
He and michelle bachman had a conversation last week about starting a violent overthrow of the U.S. government
3:18 PM During the last administration, I recall that being insufficiently pro-land-war-in-asia was enough to get one called a traitor
3:21 PM Brian Steltzer? Seltzer? also wrote a pro-CNBC article after Jon Stewart ripped them a new one
like, ratings are up! Ends justify means! Yay!
3:22 PM Maria Barta-barta-bararomo(?) sleeps with Citibank's CEO!
They get the inside scoop!
3:23 PM Except for the part about the Massive Fail!
Anyone could have missed that!
Especially if they were nailing the CEO!
the article ended with a quote about Stewart being just a clown
3:24 PM I was like, methinks ye confuse the jester and the clowns, good sir
me: Indeed. And the jester has bite. Dude, you're problem is that you don't realize that patriotism is crisis responsive.
3:25 PM Now the crisis is finance. To criticize financers is unpatriotic!

6 minutes
3:32 PM me: Just getting back to Glen fuckin Beck for a second. That guy SUCKS
3:33 PM Manny: imagine if, say, rachel maddow advocated a violent overthrow of dick cheney
3:34 PM george stephenopopadopolous would spent all day twitting his outrage
me: ha!
Manny: and make the most prominent liberal politician available apologize on her behalf
3:35 PM me: well, you know us liberals do love to apologize

16 minutes
3:51 PM Manny: I spend half my life typing boilerplate:
according to the Standard & Poors/Case-Schiller 20-city housing index.
a seat license, which gives the holder the right to buy season tickets to a given sports franchise'
3:53 PM me: wow
that's inspiring
I'll be back. heading to the gym
Manny: gym-loser

The Twits Come to Town

11:04 AM Manny: NYT launches college admissions "blog" on the day college acceptences/rejections are sent out

28 minutes
11:32 AM me: genius

13 minutes
11:45 AM Manny: they're hip to the internets
11:46 AM and the twitters
it's all twits

6 minutes
11:52 AM me: fried twitter = fritter
I heard that on NPR
I'm a dad with bad jokes
Manny: someone posted a funny video mocking twitter yesterday
11:53 AM "you people are all just bragging about your unexceptional lives!"
11:56 AM me: I heard a similar piece on the radio
Manny: I like how news orgs think twitter can help them
11:59 AM help them what? Look like assholes?
12:00 PM me: No, it can help them announce that they are writing something that everyone else is already ignoring and not interested
12:01 PM Manny: or what kind of danish was available in the press room
I want to point out that George Stephenopolous and CNN's Rick Sanchez are big twits
12:02 PM that's where they announced that Bob Gibbs was too rude about Cock Cheney
teach us what, aside from the fact that those two guys are self-obsessed morons?
12:03 PM who will defend a torturer?
12:05 PM me: The independent twitterers of the world