Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some things that make my brother mad (like NYT love for Glen Beck, for example)

3:00 PM Manny: the NYT has now jocked Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and CNBC in the same 6 month period
way to legitimize the guys driving you out of biz
3:01 PM me: and way to undermine all of the journalistic values you always claimed to be the standard bearer for
Manny: exactly
3:02 PM By acting like Fox news is journalists, you lose the value of your own product
3:03 PM me: It's so sad for them, don't they recognize that they are cutting off their own limbs?
Manny: apparently not
there's a lot of detestable stuff in that beck article
"fox news, with which many conservatives have identified..."
Manny: That sentence is just to keep fox's PR people happy
I saw it on the way to my run and bitched the whole way around the park
3:05 PM This article also made me angry/sad for us all
3:06 PM What's wrong with it?
How about the use of the word "layoff?"
again, designed to keep corporate PR people happy
these women aren't being "laid off."
They aren't going to be rehired when the steel plant cranks back up
they're being shitcanned
without cause
3:07 PM lets have Andrew Ross Sorkin stand up for the sanctity of their contracts, like he stood up for the sanctity of AIG contracts

8 minutes

3:17 PM way to gloss his accusing fema of setting up "concentration camps"
(for what? White racists?)
He and michelle bachman had a conversation last week about starting a violent overthrow of the U.S. government
3:18 PM During the last administration, I recall that being insufficiently pro-land-war-in-asia was enough to get one called a traitor
3:21 PM Brian Steltzer? Seltzer? also wrote a pro-CNBC article after Jon Stewart ripped them a new one
like, ratings are up! Ends justify means! Yay!
3:22 PM Maria Barta-barta-bararomo(?) sleeps with Citibank's CEO!
They get the inside scoop!
3:23 PM Except for the part about the Massive Fail!
Anyone could have missed that!
Especially if they were nailing the CEO!
the article ended with a quote about Stewart being just a clown
3:24 PM I was like, methinks ye confuse the jester and the clowns, good sir
me: Indeed. And the jester has bite. Dude, you're problem is that you don't realize that patriotism is crisis responsive.
3:25 PM Now the crisis is finance. To criticize financers is unpatriotic!

6 minutes
3:32 PM me: Just getting back to Glen fuckin Beck for a second. That guy SUCKS
3:33 PM Manny: imagine if, say, rachel maddow advocated a violent overthrow of dick cheney
3:34 PM george stephenopopadopolous would spent all day twitting his outrage
me: ha!
Manny: and make the most prominent liberal politician available apologize on her behalf
3:35 PM me: well, you know us liberals do love to apologize

16 minutes
3:51 PM Manny: I spend half my life typing boilerplate:
according to the Standard & Poors/Case-Schiller 20-city housing index.
a seat license, which gives the holder the right to buy season tickets to a given sports franchise'
3:53 PM me: wow
that's inspiring
I'll be back. heading to the gym
Manny: gym-loser

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