Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AIG!!! ARRGH! (also, some asides on such things as dick cheney's vicitm status)

me: On a different note, I think maybe the problem with AIG comes down to the fact that despite all of our anger, we treated these people as if they were basically hard working people who are either dumb or just big screw-ups. Such a person might actually decide to not take bonus money. AIG execs, however, are clearly criminals, they behave like thieves and will continue to until someone stops them (hopefully by sending them to jail).

8:38 AM Manny: Andrew Cuomo dropped the subpoenas yesterday
38 minutes

9:16 AM me: that's what I'm talking about

9:17 AM me: cuomo is ready to prosecute everyone, which I love

9:21 AM Manny: I told my running buddy thomas early monday a.m. that if Cuomo really wants to be governor, he'll have subpoenas ready today and he did. way to go andy

9:24 AM me: indeed

9:45 AM me: From Open Left, a good example of still not understanding the actual problem. These guys may be right about Geithner and Summers, but they still don't seem to get it.
They're all criminals!

9:48 AM Manny: If you want to get pissed, read the thumb-sucker in the NY Times about the sanctity of contracts and why we can't violate them, except when poor people like autoworkers are concerned

9:51 AM me: You mean this one? Outrageous
At least at Open Left they have that part right. Obviously we should do something about it and not let them steal our money.

9:57 AM Manny: yes, that guy can bite my gnards
I'd like him to honor a contract with my ass
9:58 AM what world does that moron live in?

me: that's very eloquent of you
I don't know, he just thought someone needed to speak out for the little guy

9:59 AM Manny: sometimes, people are so wrong there's no need to argue intelligently
It's like how I argue with Ayn Rand: No.

10:00 AM me: exactly. you are just wrong
100% wrong

Manny: exactly
otherwise, why would you appeal equally to 50-something fat white executives and 17-year-old girls?
The two most self-justifying groups of idiots in the world?

10:01 AM me: ha

Manny: I used to use Ayn Rand as a dating eliminatory

10:02 AM Manny: "Have you ever read the Fountainhead? It's sooooo goooooof"
pardon me, but we will not be having sex

me: automatic disqualification

10:04 AM Manny: I know everyone likes to be counter-intuitive and all, but the Times has now written one story saying the bonuses are a big problem... for Obama. And now this. Nice work, times. You're american heroes.

me: ha

10:06 AM Manny: from tomas, just now: I want him to tell a group of Detroit auto worked about the sanctity of a contract

10:11 AM me: exactly. the bullshit is extremely thick. They thought basically that the automakers should throw those greedy workers out on their asses by they I mean the entire republican party and much of the mainstream media

10:13 AM Manny: it was totally accepted that the workers should void their own contracts so management could stay on running the companies into the ground

10:14 AM me: ARRGH!
It's not funny at all, it's like some weird ass modernist tragedy
you know, like Bertolt Brecht or something

10:21 AM Manny: Dan Rooney has just been named Ambassador to Ireland

10:25 AM Manny: And look at this crud

10:27 AM me: You know, I was just thinking that if there was one real victim I should be worried about in the world, it's definitely dick cheney.

10:28 AM Manny: As they say down at the bottom, this is an interview where cheney is calling the president of the U.S. nigger and the concern is whether or not the president is showing enough defference to CHENEY

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