Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stewart on Cramer

4:36 PM Manny: Yo
4:37 PM me: yo dude
Manny: Buy bear sterns!
me: lol
4:38 PM was he on daily show last night?
or is that tonight?
Manny: I've decided to root for jim cramer
Last night
me: ha
Manny: Check the interwebs
me: how was it
I will
Manny: They're all a-twitter
Stewart sonned him
me: that's not surprising
4:39 PM Manny: But, a la john mccain, expectations were low for cramer
me: ah yes, the low expectations on a moron
Manny: Cramer at least knew to act sorry
His idiot colleagues still pretend to be journalists on tv
4:40 PM I think duncan black posted it
4:41 PM me: He did, it's about halfway down the page:
11:20 AM me: so of course they're talking about the daily show on meet the press. Jon Stewart is this week's American hero! (Award presented to any public figure who during the course of the week shows her/him self to NOT BE A MORON)
Manny: why do you watch that crud?
Do the people on meet the press seem like they know anything?
11:21 AM these are the people who brought us CNBC in the first place, not to mention the American Heroicc Adventurous Land War in the Fertile Crescent TM
11:23 AM me: I watch it out of some sort of sick obsession with the horrible.
Manny: like the Family Circus
me: exactly!
11:24 AM Manny: Is General Electric behind the Family Circus too? A truly independant media would answer these questions
11:27 AM me: these and more
11:30 AM
Manny: AIG: $100 million in bonus to the financial products division today
11:36 AM you know, for the people who bankrupted the economy

7 minutes
11:43 AM me: right. they deserve money. What you don't appreciate is that ruining everybody's lives is really really hard work. In order for AIG to attract the high level, negatively advantaged executives they need, they have to pay out huge bonuses.
Did you watch all of the episodes leading up to the showdown? The clips stewart showed are really priceless.

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