Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Life in Diatribe is moving to our new site:

Please update your readers or bookmarks. Much love from the Brothers-ranting

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I talk to myself about afghanistan

12:33 PM me: So I wake up and I'm listening to NPR. The lead story is about how the Afghan election is today. But instead of reporting the story, all the reporters are talking about the limits placed on journalists.
12:34 PM I'm like, "surprise! the media is telling a story about itself!"
Oops, sorry dude. Police chasing you with guns is news-worthy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Representing the Ombuds or You Know Your Insitution is in Moral Trouble when...

Take a look at a recent chat with a friend of mine. What do you think we should infer about the University of Pennsylvania from this?

C: got it
have you seen the ombuds current page from Penn?
1:28 PM as my friend said,
problematic, yet apt.
me: wow!
worst page ever
seriously, that's the worst page ever
1:29 PM C: yupper
compare that to say
me: we are, apparently, the least ethical of the universities
C: and the beat goes on
1:30 PM me: that's shameful

Bolton take 2

Mathew Yglesias

John Bolton (Manny goes on vacation and I talk to myself)

So John Bolton (remember him? he's the crazy guy who yells at people that g.w.b. appointed to be our most notable representative to the world) was on NPR on Monday. He was one of the first people asked to respond to the Clinton Korea trip.

Why, you ask, would NPR or the Washington Mouthpiece put Bolton front and center when North Korea is on the line and any home-based dissent clears would send them the message that America is a weak and divided nation? We can only surmise that it's ok to dissent right, but that dissenting left is anti-american--i.e. it's ok to dissent when one's dissent is oriented at being more confrontational, abrasive, and domineering, but when one is arguing for more dialogue, greater communication and more sympathy, then one is an homeland hater.

Bolton told npr that he was against president clinton going to n. korea because it would encourage other countries to do the same. (You know, all of those countries around the world just dying for a guest appearance from a former president will immediately grab up the nearest passing tourists).

Comments npr:
"Bolton's point about the Iranians who are now holding three young Americans who allegedly entered Iranian territory from Iraq's Kurdish region, is worth considering. What does the U.S. do if the Iranians condition the release of the three Americans on a visit from former President Clinton as well?"

Now this is hysterical. Do they think that the Iranians are just dying for clinton to come to town? That's the outcome they're looking for? "Oh, forget our nuclear aims and plans for regional domination, send us pres clinton and then we can talk business!"

A much more reasoned point was present on Weds on the bbc where the popular view seems now to have shifted around to: "Wow, what a great opportunity to get one of the most savvy politicians of our age three hours face to face with the mysterious and secretive leader of a totalitarian regime that we desperately need to figure out how to deal with." This is a much more sound opinion.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The mainstream media hearts republicans, even to the point of craziness

2:42 PM Manny:
"Some genius at Newsweek thinks George W. Bush should be Obama's Middle East envoy.

There really is something wrong with our elite journalistic institutions."
2:43 PM me: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you joking?
George Sr. would at least be plausible
2:44 PM me: George W. is like the punchline from a terrible, very-much-in-poor-taste joke about the foment of war and destruction
Manny: it is almost impossible to make up the stuff that gets printed in the Times, Newsweek, NPR etc
Politico today: Why the Republicans are poised for a comeback
2:45 PM me: Boy, they wish that was a self-fulfilling prophecy
Manny: By glenn greenwald's count, that's the 27th republican-comeback article, since just before the 2006 elections
me: ha ha ha
Manny: on politico alone
me: ha
2:46 PM ha
what a great day
2:47 PM And from his blog: "Who are the sources for Politico's exciting announcement of a GOP resurgence? A grand total of three: "GOP pollster Whit Ayres," "GOP pollster John McLaughlin," and "Republican pollster Neil Newhouse," all of whom assure us that the signs point to imminent Republican triumph and Democratic doom. After 21 straight paragraphs of chest-beating GOP triumphalism, Politico throws two Democratic sources into the last three paragraphs of the article for "balance," along with this hilarious qualifier: "For Republicans, the news isn’t entirely promising." What is it that makes things "not entirely promising" for Republicans? Just little things like this:

'There’s been no surge in GOP voter registration and little evidence that the party brand is experiencing a recovery. Last month, a New York Times/CBS poll reported that the GOP’s favorability ratings remained at a record-breaking low -- 28 percent, down from a high of 59 percent in November 1994.'"

2:48 PM me: HAAAAAA
I can't load that page for some reason
2:49 PM Manny: Continuing from Greenwald: "There are many motives for publishing "GOP-on-the-rise" stories. It's virtually certain to generate a Drudge link, Politico's holy grail. It ensures appearances on GOP-friendly cable news and radio talk shows. It solidifies relationships with dirt-peddling right-wing operatives who drive mindless scandals and distractions in a Democratic administration. And it earns a gold star and pat on the head from right-wing polemicists in the never-ending quest of establishment journalists to prove they are not part of The Liberal Media, the goal which Mark Halperin openly embraced on his knees while pleading with Hugh Hewitt, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity to stop thinking that he is One of Them, when he was hawking the book he co-wrote with Politico's Harris."nu

6 minutes
2:55 PM me: Well that's spot on
2:56 PM Manny: it goes on
2:59 PM me: Wait, is that from his blog?
3:00 PM Manny: ja
i believe it so

7 minutes
3:07 PM Manny: We can have a blog where I said ridiculous republican things
like Ben Stein
But not a blog where I say true, liberal things
like Glenn Greenwald
some world
3:12 PM me: Wow, ben stein is a bad bad purpose. Obama is anti-white? I've been complaining that he's too pro white.
bad bad person, he's a bad bad person
3:13 PM Manny: yeah, Ben Stein: giant, flaming anus

just awesome3:16 PM also unrelated, but funny

Tech, the Kindle, and the Interwebs

Manny: I found this to be an interesting summation of my kindle experience so far

20 minutes
12:10 PM me: First of all, that is another very funny piece of writing
12:11 PM secondly, you can't adjust the screen's color scheme and brightness?
Also, no page numbers? Why did they do that?
Manny: unclear to me
12:12 PM I enjoy my kindle, but I was happy to receive it as a gift and not have to justify paying for ti
me: well, I want one, but I'm going to be patient and wait till they respond to the newest round of feedback
12:13 PM does the kindle browse the interwebs?
12:14 PM Manny: a bit
ipod touch is waaay bettter
12:15 PM me: yeah, I'm waiting till they put all my techs in one box
I have too many techs as it is
Manny: ipod + kindle-sized screen = all done looking
12:16 PM me: I do love my satellite radio though. I can listen to bob dylan as a dj. It's awesome
the ipood can probably get that too though
I'm playing with combining my techs, but I have to do some crazy crack to get streaming media on my phone
12:17 PM advantage ipood (although I love my phone otherwise)

Bloggers vs. the "Real" Media

10:56 AM me: Did you see the Reggie Theus video I sent you?
Manny: no
i no get it
me: oh, you can watch it later. me: a funny aside to our previous conversation about bloggers:
10:58 AM Also, I assume they probably do this on cnn, fox and msnbc, but this on Sportscenter they have a segment where they review the percentage of coverage different stories are getting from "bloggers"

16 minutes
11:14 AM Manny: cnn sometimes reads the internets out loud
thanks cnn!
11:15 AM broadcasting FAIL
11:17 AM me: I'm saying. Really? You can't do better than, this morning "20% of 'bloggers' are talking about Bret Farve"
Now the anchors are saying to each other, "did you tweet? What did you tweet about?"
11:18 AM it's fully pathetic old people trying badly to imitate the discourse of the young
11:19 AM Manny: twitter users are all old
11:23 AM me: Now that is so interesting. I actually don't know a single person who twitters and most of the non-blog reading people (including kids, and I'm a teacher) I know don't even really know what twitter is.
They do post on facebook though
11:28 AM Manny: the media obsession with twitter is so stupid I don't even know where to start
It's like they missed facebook, so now it has to all be about twitter
11:31 AM me: I think that's a big part of it
also, it's like haiku, it's a form more easily understood and used by rich and old folks
11:32 AM "Oh, I didn't get why they were always posting about their lives which nobody cares about, but now I get it! They capturing artful little moments in time!"
11:33 AM Manny: they are, as my buddy mike once said, masturbating at a fevered pitch
11:34 AM me: ha ha ha
11:37 AM Manny: Similarly:
for more explanation
11:42 AM me: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (this one gets extra laughs!). You gotta love the following: "Your satisfaction with the diagram will be inversely proportional to your knowledge of the technology."
11:43 AM Manny: I feel like that's true for everything everyone says about the news biz right now
Kindle will save newspapers!
(from someone who's never used a kindle)
Ban links!
(from someone who's apparently never been on the internet)
11:44 AM me: You're cracking me up this morning
11:45 AM Manny: I wish it was someone else's industry that was so clueless
11:47 AM me: dude, my industry is completely dysfunctional and moronic and has been a failure for almost a hundred years and our job is to TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We posted that last post too soon, apparently

Manny: all parties agree indeed
11:57 AM me: yeah right
we will see shortly how much all parties agree
Manny: Boston PD gonna buy Dr. Gates a yacht
11:58 AM me: yes, and a nice new door

Footnote to the Gates story

11:43 AMMe: from the gates story: "Cambridge police would not comment on the arrest, citing an investigation into the incident by Middlesex District Attorney Gerard T. Leone Jr. A spokesman for Leone said Gates is scheduled to be arraigned on Aug. 26 and said the office could not provide details on the arrest until that time.

Gates is being represented by Harvard Law School professor Charles Ogletree, who has taken on previous cases with racial implications."
Uh oh for you, Gerard T. Leone
11:44 AM Manny: indeed
good luck with all that

Dr. Henry Luis Gates Jr., Harvard University Professor, Arrested IN OWN HOME. Do you think this is "post racial America"?

9:15 AM me: So this morning I heard the VP of Lehman Bros talking about his new book, A Colossal Failure of Common Sense.
What b.s.
Manny: protect the eye!
9:16 AM me: That's right
We're supposed to believe that these guys had no idea that the way they were making their fortunes might cause problems for the rest of us?
Manny: have you read liars poker?
9:17 AM me: Don't be mad at us, we had a failure of common sense!
I've been meaning to get it from you for a while
Manny: the worst insult you could call someone at Solomon Bros in the 80s was "customer"
9:18 AM and they were trading TREASURY bonds
me: right, those are the suckers
the costumers
even when they're buying pieces of their own government!
Manny: CDOs are like the dirty stepchildren of real bonds
9:21 AM me: explain?
Manny: treasuries are securee
the U.S. will pay you back someday
9:22 AM CDOs are like treasuries' dirty uncle, at the party with their shirt unbuttoned and gold chains on
labeled secure
9:23 AM so if the people who trade treasuries are sketch
the people who trade non-treasuries, or ``innovative financial products" are just dog track gamblers
me: right
9:24 AM got it
9:25 AM Manny: structured finance
my tushy
me: "free for all grabbing" might be a better descriptor
9:28 AM
Manny: My buddy K. made an elaborate analogy that Obama is Isiah Thomas and Goldman Sachs is Stephon Marbury
9:31 AM me: Isiah thomas is one of the most incompetent people in the history of sports. I hope that analogy doesn't stand
9:32 AM Isiah hated stephan and benched him, what has obama done to goldman?
Manny: I think he really meant jimmy dolan
but isiah is... ahem... you know
9:33 AM me: black?
9:36 AM Manny: you said it
9:37 AM me: ha
9:39 AM Manny: incidentally: post-racial America
me: I still, however, don't understand the analogy. If marbury is goldman, they should be getting punished and made to sit on the bench for a year before they're allowed to come back, but only to help out on a champion, not to really play
Manny: He means earlier
me: I heard!
Manny: when they wrote him a giant check
and said he was gonna save the franchise
me: ah
Manny: he's saying that's what the nation is doing now
9:40 AM me: got it
but goldman will be a punk and play only for itself
Manny: we're knicks fans, and the govt is dolan, writing a big check to someone who is all rep and all self-interested
me: got it
9:41 AM as for the arrest of Dr. Gates in HIS OWN HOME, it's amazing.
Manny: I would like to point everyone to this article
Note the paper
9:42 AM I used to work with that guy
he loves to ask questions: is racism dead?
no, keith
it's not
either he's stupid, or he thinks readers are
9:43 AM me: basically, his piece is rush limbaugh's dream, because it allows ignorant and stupid people to say, hey, even the boston globe thinks racism is dead!
9:44 AM Manny: it also exposes an embarrassing lack of familiarity with the history of Boston
me: seriously. On NPR this morning, they basically framed it as probably racist, but also because Gates was tired and fussy after a long trip so he yelled at the cops
it was racist, but he sort of deserved it
9:45 AM Manny: it was IN HIS HOUSE
9:46 AM me: Sure it was in his house, but he was totally being black in there dude
how was the cop supposed to know that he was a harvard professor and not just a regular black guy?
9:47 AM Manny: you mean, aside from the fact that he's famous?
9:50 AM me: he's only famous to educated people
9:52 AM Manny: and Larry Summers, bitch
Larry Summers now recognizes
don't mess with Skip Gates
9:53 AM me: ?
9:57 AM Manny: One of the first things summers did when he got to harvard was pick a fight with gates
me: really? I must have missed that
9:59 AM Also Cornell West
mostly Cornell West
10:00 AM AMY GOODMAN: can you tell us what happened and how you feel about that, and where the African American studies department at Harvard stands now. I was recently with Cornell West in Santa Fe, new Mexico and asked him about his run-in with the former treasury secretary and now Harvard University president, Lawrence Summers. Didn’t like what he called extracurricular activities like getting involved with—not clear, if he didn’t like his Nader endorsements or his hip-hop endeavors?

HENRY LOUIS GATES: Cornell is a brilliant scholar and a person of tremendous pride and dignity, and he felt deeply insulted after a conversation with the new president, Summers. I think the president regrets that conversation. I think that Cornell feels that he had no choice but to leave to preserve his dignity, as a strong, proud black man. It broke my heart, unfortunately. But he had to go. I support his decision. I miss him terribly. We’re still very, very—very dear friends. I admire Cornell. There’s no one in the academy that I admire more than Cornell West. You talk about a Martin Luther king figure and W.E.B. DuBois figure all rolled into one. That’s Cornell West. That’s why I dedicated the book to him.
10:01 AM me: West is so feisty

10 minutes
10:11 AM me: crazy. It makes me extra proud of the part where I helped appoint an awesome black woman as president of Brown

15 minutes
10:27 AM Manny: Yeah
Suck on this, preppies
10:29 AM me: ha ha ha

Goldman rises again. Soldiers go AWOL. An interesting parallel emerges

7 minutes
10:20 AM Manny: i can't right now
me: oh yeah
10:21 AM you'll see later. it's the goldman sachs pyramid. "Protect the eye of the pyramid at any cost!"

8 minutes
10:29 AM Manny: funny
10:31 AM me: it's great
I just think the story is tragically funny
12:43 PM the dude just walks off base. peace. going to find myself.
sounds like their mental health services are tip top
12:44 PM Manny: famously so
12:45 PM me: republicans are awesome to the troops
12:46 PM they definitely deserve the national defense moral high ground

42 minutes
1:29 PM Manny: they love jesus and Army
me: just not soldiers or sovereignty
1:30 PM Manny: or the parts of the bible about not blowing people up

34 minutes

28 minutes
2:33 PM Manny: quick everybody! Throw yourselves under Goldman Sachs to cushion its fall. Children first, they're the softest!

11 minutes
2:44 PM me: wow!
2:45 PM those two stories parallel each other so nicely
2:49 PM Manny: indeed

22 minutes
3:11 PM me: ...and all of these people are just as horrible as each other!
Manny: cushion our landing with your bodies!
3:12 PM No reason to hold torture trials!
They've increased the chocolate ration!
3:14 PM me: ha

Friday, July 17, 2009

Journalistic Narcissism

Mr. Tobia goes to Afghanistan

11:14 AM me: hey dude, sorry about going mia yesterday. Want to talk more about what we were talking about, but first. PJT's blog goes live!
welcome to bloggerville buddy!
11:15 AM Manny: I told him
me: you know you're in good shape when someone tolerable posts you on his blog. Boosted him way up the most hits list on True/Slant
I apparently have to get on my plane now

some thoughts on the sane and the insane left over from last week when I was on vacation. Again. (I know, sweet right?)

9:58 AM he makes an important point: does anyone believe that the last event in the sequence is unrelated the prior events?
10:02 AM Seems like, since 2000, the media has asked me to believe, repeatedly, that the most obvious, simplest explanation for things is somehow crackpot
10:03 AM Bush rushed into Iraq, demonized democrats who opposed it as cowards, and won a congressional midterm election
says Times: those things are totally unconnected. Totes.
10:05 AM the U.S. harshly interrogated people. about 100 of them died.
Nothing to do at all with rumors that we were torturing people

7 minutes
10:12 AM me: I know, like any person with even a hint of common sense is definitely a moron (and hates america). Surprise! We let Goldman Sachs run our economic recovery plan and now they're making record profits! Who could possibly have seen this coming!? Not any of our elected officials? Not the media certainly?
10:13 AM Manny: crazy
they say you're crazy
1:09 PM me: hey dude
1:12 PM Boy I wish you hadn't sent me that digby piece. It is anger making.
1:15 PM they seem to think that it's a good thing to investigate peons who got carried away and not a good thing to investigate the system and leadership that made such behavior possible. It's like blaming the sheep for going hog wild on the neighbor's grass that the shepherd led them to.
8:36 PM Manny: Yeah
8:38 PM me: yeah?

13 minutes
8:52 PM Manny:
I got nothing to add
Cokie roberts
8:53 PM F u cokie

Friday, July 10, 2009

what exactly does the government mean when they call something "detention?"

12:22 PM Manny: good stuff:

14 minutes
12:36 PM me: Wow. we really got in deep on this one
dick cheney is a real jerkoff
12:37 PM the times, again, obviously just the mouth piece for the most popular lie-teller they can find

6 minutes
12:43 PM Manny: "No matter how many stories there are like the one today from McClatchy's -- where emphatic accusations about a detainee turn out to be totally false -- the willingness to believe unproven assertions from government officials about Muslims detainees is never-ending."

16 minutes
1:00 PM me: of course, because racism is never ending

explaining the keyboard cat

11:30 AM me: apparently some people do not understand keyboard cat
sad for keyboard cat
Manny: who doesn't love keyboard cat?
11:31 AM me: it's not a question of love
11:33 AM Manny: so what's the problem?
11:35 AM me: they just don't understand the cat or why he plays the keyboard or, I guess, what it means to play someone off if one happens to be a keyboard cat
11:37 AM Manny: they never saw this?
11:42 AM me: I'm not sure that will help
but ha ha ha
Manny: are they unfamiliar with the concept of playing someone off?
11:43 AM don't they watch the oscars?
me: that's what I think is at the root of the confusion. I think they lost the trail of the concept between the oscars and the cat.
11:48 AM me: that wikipedia entry is the greatest thing I've ever read
Manny: I love a good mem
11:49 AM meme
sticky e key
11:50 AM me: ha ha ha ha ha ha

Monday, July 6, 2009

Keyboard Cat Update

6 minutes
12:12 PM Manny: he has his own blog

Palin YAY!

Wow, it's an exciting time to be alive.

10:10 AM Manny: actual paragraph from the WashPo
"Yet Palin's vulnerability masks her firepower, ambition and strong will, advisers said. Not one to fit comfortably into convention -- and not comfortable being a victim, either -- Palin spoke Friday as if she was rolling the dice and betting on herself. She presented herself as a game-changer stepping onto a stage of her own making."
10:14 AM me: Sure. That's just awesome reporting. Let me jump in to help them out: "Her skin glowed with the glow of power and future success. Her eyes, lit by the fire of a glorious future of command and by distinctive authority that could only come from the lord himself..."

5 minutes
10:19 AM Manny: remember when she got John McCain elected president?
10:20 AM me: yeah, she's wonderful
she sure is a "game-changer" isn't she
10:22 AM I don't understand this whole thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Palin quit being governor because it was hard right? I mean, her excuse is: my term was winding down so I would have to work harder and instead, I quit so I could be a national beauty queen contestant

9 minutes
10:31 AM Manny: it says something about the media that they would take anythhing she does seriously
she somehow got a winner's narrative, even though she's clearly a ggiant loser
10:34 AM me: dude, how can you get a winner's narrative when everything you have ever done, including both running for VP and being governor, you have failed at? She announces that she's quitting her job and is admitting that it it too hard for her, and not only does she get a pass, she gets a celebration. What is the deal? How is this possible? Doesn't anyone have any self-respect?
Manny: I'm saying the media doesn't report true things
it tells STORIES about them
10:35 AM me: yes, but this story is crazy
Manny: so for some reason, they've decided her story is about a plucky beauty queen who saved the republicans
not the redneck idiot who incites the racists
and got hers ass kicked
10:36 AM me: and is pathetic, ignorant, and prone to grotesque failure

5 minutes
10:46 AM me: Ah, now this is a line I can get behind: "But MC is 100% correct that any pundit who thinks this is some risky but potentially brilliant strategic move is absolutely smoking crack. Hitting the crack pipe, or, just as likely, being witlessly contrarian to set themselves apart from the common herd of sane people."
10:47 AM Manny: i also enjoyed that
witlessly contrarian
describes 95 percent of everything on Slate
me: ha
10:51 AM Manny:
David Broder, dean of the washington press core:
"Oh and by the way, the last time I checked, her nickname is 'Sarah Barracuda.' Palin is a fighter."
umm, Epic Fail
10:55 AM Don't fighters have to like... fight?
if you run, doesn't that make you a runner, not a fighter?
10:59 AM me: she's not even a runner, she's just a conniver and an opportunity grabber who like anyone with the maturity of a five year old follows the path of least resistance as quickly as possible

23 minutes

6 minutes
11:28 AM me: that is a terrible thing to send me. it argues that she's very important and doesn't explain why!
Manny: she was very important at destroying McCain's campaign
11:32 AM me: well that's clearly true

13 minutes
11:46 AM me: I like this from the TPM piece you sent me: "She's back to what she was -- a small person looking for someone to be angry at." I don't think that's journalism, but it is awesome.

16 minutes
12:02 PM Manny: play her off, keyboard cat!
12:04 PM me: ha ha ha
Manny: i love the keyboard cat
12:05 PM me: it's the best!