2:42 PM Manny:
From Duncan Black:
"Some genius at Newsweek thinks George W. Bush should be Obama's Middle East envoy.
There really is something wrong with our elite journalistic institutions."
There really is something wrong with our elite journalistic institutions."
2:43 PM me: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you joking?
George Sr. would at least be plausible
2:44 PM me: George W. is like the punchline from a terrible, very-much-in-poor-taste joke about the foment of war and destruction
Manny: it is almost impossible to make up the stuff that gets printed in the Times, Newsweek, NPR etc
Politico today: Why the Republicans are poised for a comeback
2:45 PM me: Boy, they wish that was a self-fulfilling prophecy
Manny: By glenn greenwald's count, that's the 27th republican-comeback article, since just before the 2006 elections
me: ha ha ha
Manny: on politico alone
me: ha
2:46 PM ha
what a great day
2:47 PM And from his blog: "Who are the sources for Politico's exciting announcement of a GOP resurgence? A grand total of three: "GOP pollster Whit Ayres," "GOP pollster John McLaughlin," and "Republican pollster Neil Newhouse," all of whom assure us that the signs point to imminent Republican triumph and Democratic doom. After 21 straight paragraphs of chest-beating GOP triumphalism, Politico throws two Democratic sources into the last three paragraphs of the article for "balance," along with this hilarious qualifier: "For Republicans, the news isn’t entirely promising." What is it that makes things "not entirely promising" for Republicans? Just little things like this:
'There’s been no surge in GOP voter registration and little evidence that the party brand is experiencing a recovery. Last month, a New York Times/CBS poll reported that the GOP’s favorability ratings remained at a record-breaking low -- 28 percent, down from a high of 59 percent in November 1994.'"
'There’s been no surge in GOP voter registration and little evidence that the party brand is experiencing a recovery. Last month, a New York Times/CBS poll reported that the GOP’s favorability ratings remained at a record-breaking low -- 28 percent, down from a high of 59 percent in November 1994.'"
2:48 PM me: HAAAAAA
I can't load that page for some reason
2:49 PM Manny: Continuing from Greenwald: "There are many motives for publishing "GOP-on-the-rise" stories. It's virtually certain to generate a Drudge link, Politico's holy grail. It ensures appearances on GOP-friendly cable news and radio talk shows. It solidifies relationships with dirt-peddling right-wing operatives who drive mindless scandals and distractions in a Democratic administration. And it earns a gold star and pat on the head from right-wing polemicists in the never-ending quest of establishment journalists to prove they are not part of The Liberal Media, the goal which Mark Halperin openly embraced on his knees while pleading with Hugh Hewitt, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity to stop thinking that he is One of Them, when he was hawking the book he co-wrote with Politico's Harris."nu
6 minutes |
2:55 PM me: Well that's spot on
2:56 PM Manny: it goes on
2:59 PM me: Wait, is that from his blog?
3:00 PM Manny: ja
i believe it so
7 minutes |
3:07 PM Manny: We can have a blog where I said ridiculous republican things
like Ben Stein
But not a blog where I say true, liberal things
like Glenn Greenwald
some world
3:12 PM me: Wow, ben stein is a bad bad purpose. Obama is anti-white? I've been complaining that he's too pro white.
bad bad person, he's a bad bad person
3:13 PM Manny: yeah, Ben Stein: giant, flaming anus
just awesome3:16 PM also unrelated, but funny
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