Monday, July 6, 2009

Palin YAY!

Wow, it's an exciting time to be alive.

10:10 AM Manny: actual paragraph from the WashPo
"Yet Palin's vulnerability masks her firepower, ambition and strong will, advisers said. Not one to fit comfortably into convention -- and not comfortable being a victim, either -- Palin spoke Friday as if she was rolling the dice and betting on herself. She presented herself as a game-changer stepping onto a stage of her own making."
10:14 AM me: Sure. That's just awesome reporting. Let me jump in to help them out: "Her skin glowed with the glow of power and future success. Her eyes, lit by the fire of a glorious future of command and by distinctive authority that could only come from the lord himself..."

5 minutes
10:19 AM Manny: remember when she got John McCain elected president?
10:20 AM me: yeah, she's wonderful
she sure is a "game-changer" isn't she
10:22 AM I don't understand this whole thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Palin quit being governor because it was hard right? I mean, her excuse is: my term was winding down so I would have to work harder and instead, I quit so I could be a national beauty queen contestant

9 minutes
10:31 AM Manny: it says something about the media that they would take anythhing she does seriously
she somehow got a winner's narrative, even though she's clearly a ggiant loser
10:34 AM me: dude, how can you get a winner's narrative when everything you have ever done, including both running for VP and being governor, you have failed at? She announces that she's quitting her job and is admitting that it it too hard for her, and not only does she get a pass, she gets a celebration. What is the deal? How is this possible? Doesn't anyone have any self-respect?
Manny: I'm saying the media doesn't report true things
it tells STORIES about them
10:35 AM me: yes, but this story is crazy
Manny: so for some reason, they've decided her story is about a plucky beauty queen who saved the republicans
not the redneck idiot who incites the racists
and got hers ass kicked
10:36 AM me: and is pathetic, ignorant, and prone to grotesque failure

5 minutes
10:46 AM me: Ah, now this is a line I can get behind: "But MC is 100% correct that any pundit who thinks this is some risky but potentially brilliant strategic move is absolutely smoking crack. Hitting the crack pipe, or, just as likely, being witlessly contrarian to set themselves apart from the common herd of sane people."
10:47 AM Manny: i also enjoyed that
witlessly contrarian
describes 95 percent of everything on Slate
me: ha
10:51 AM Manny:
David Broder, dean of the washington press core:
"Oh and by the way, the last time I checked, her nickname is 'Sarah Barracuda.' Palin is a fighter."
umm, Epic Fail
10:55 AM Don't fighters have to like... fight?
if you run, doesn't that make you a runner, not a fighter?
10:59 AM me: she's not even a runner, she's just a conniver and an opportunity grabber who like anyone with the maturity of a five year old follows the path of least resistance as quickly as possible

23 minutes

6 minutes
11:28 AM me: that is a terrible thing to send me. it argues that she's very important and doesn't explain why!
Manny: she was very important at destroying McCain's campaign
11:32 AM me: well that's clearly true

13 minutes
11:46 AM me: I like this from the TPM piece you sent me: "She's back to what she was -- a small person looking for someone to be angry at." I don't think that's journalism, but it is awesome.

16 minutes
12:02 PM Manny: play her off, keyboard cat!
12:04 PM me: ha ha ha
Manny: i love the keyboard cat
12:05 PM me: it's the best!

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