Friday, July 17, 2009

some thoughts on the sane and the insane left over from last week when I was on vacation. Again. (I know, sweet right?)

9:58 AM he makes an important point: does anyone believe that the last event in the sequence is unrelated the prior events?
10:02 AM Seems like, since 2000, the media has asked me to believe, repeatedly, that the most obvious, simplest explanation for things is somehow crackpot
10:03 AM Bush rushed into Iraq, demonized democrats who opposed it as cowards, and won a congressional midterm election
says Times: those things are totally unconnected. Totes.
10:05 AM the U.S. harshly interrogated people. about 100 of them died.
Nothing to do at all with rumors that we were torturing people

7 minutes
10:12 AM me: I know, like any person with even a hint of common sense is definitely a moron (and hates america). Surprise! We let Goldman Sachs run our economic recovery plan and now they're making record profits! Who could possibly have seen this coming!? Not any of our elected officials? Not the media certainly?
10:13 AM Manny: crazy
they say you're crazy
1:09 PM me: hey dude
1:12 PM Boy I wish you hadn't sent me that digby piece. It is anger making.
1:15 PM they seem to think that it's a good thing to investigate peons who got carried away and not a good thing to investigate the system and leadership that made such behavior possible. It's like blaming the sheep for going hog wild on the neighbor's grass that the shepherd led them to.
8:36 PM Manny: Yeah
8:38 PM me: yeah?

13 minutes
8:52 PM Manny:
I got nothing to add
Cokie roberts
8:53 PM F u cokie

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