Tuesday, June 30, 2009

well, we continue to be wrong all the time

-->This is us on the Franklin senate race from this morning

2:27 PMWOAH DUDE: From CNN--"Minnesota's Supreme Court has declared Democrat Al Franken the winner of the state's disputed U.S. Senate race."
2:28 PM really? do you think they'll give up finally? of course not. More law suits must be forthcoming, right?
2:31 PM Manny: I don't think the plan is to win the lawsuits
I think the plan is to keep filing them
2:32 PM me: indeed
2:33 PM Manny: run out the clock
cost Al the first three years of his term
2:35 PM me: more than that, it costs the dems their majority
2:37 PM alright, taking the dog at. ttyl

-->And this afternoon:

4:37 PM Manny: Norm's done
me: ?
4:38 PM Manny: coleman
he conceeded
after just the 6 months
me: wow
4:39 PM he is a wus

6 minutes
4:46 PM me: well, we were totally wrong this morning
Manny: yes, I should have taken into account the fact that coleman is a pussy
no excuses
we knew he was a wus before
4:47 PM I just thought he was doing it for the party
4:48 PM me: I thought the party was running the show. Apparently the republican party can't run anything.

a final comment on torture


Feminists (and others, including us) speak out about the supremem court and the tragic old boys that run it

11:20 AM Manny: this is good news
after this

46 minutes
12:07 PM me: this is small redemption for bad people. why do supreme court justices all sound like frat brothers? "Well I just don't understand what the problem is! She set down her drink, didn't she expect someone to put roofies in it?"

41 minutes
12:48 PM Manny: girls' underpants is funyy
if you're a 100-year-old idiot

22 minutes

52 minutes
2:03 PM Manny: and

47 minutes
2:50 PM Manny: and

Time to face it folks, the printed work is dead issue

10:58 AM Manny: the microsoft ceo says in 10 years, there will be no print products at all
I see no reason to doubt that
10:59 AM my ipod touch is pretty close to the portable computer, media reader, tv viewer everyone's dreaming of
me: I've been saying that for years
11:00 AM Manny: I bought infinite jest on kindle
11:01 AM when you get to the notes, you just click them and it takes you right there
then it clicks back
11:02 AM me: that's awesome. Flipping through that book is a pain in the butt. Thank you technology for making my reading experience so much better.

TPM on the role of the times

8:06 PM Manny: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2009/06/sign_of_the_times_2.php
10:56 AM me: the times is just stuck. They don't have the create problem solving talent needed for a new era. This is why most corporations don't last more than 50 years or so. They just can't keep up with the new paradigms that replace them and make them obsolete

Returning to NPR's ability to simply declare reality:

3:28 PM me: that's not good
3:30 PM Manny: the baltic dry index is also not good
3:32 PM "Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished goods, such as concrete, electricity, steel, and food, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future economic growth and production. The BDI is termed a leading economic indicator because it predicts future economic activity.[7]"

5 minutes
3:37 PM me: definitely not good
3:38 PM Manny: But the recession's over! Don't they listen to NPR?
3:40 PM me: probably behind on their podcasts

I found the funny! It's with governor Sanford!

2:35 PM
This should have been posted last week, but it's too funny not to post it now. Enjoy.

From Duncan Black:
"Deep Thought
I had no idea that the Appalachian Trail went all the way to Argentina.

Slightly more seriously thought: one conceit journalists have is that sources can't lie to them because if they do they will use their power to punish those who lied to them. This never actually seems to happen."
2:40 PM
2:50 PM dude, he was nailing an argentine tranny he met on myspace

5 minutes
2:56 PM
me: this is getting more and more hysterical!
2:59 PM Manny: won't matter
he'll stay governor
only republicans can act like that
because the media expects it
John Edwards affair: big news
Eliot Spitzer: stop the presses
3:00 PM david vitter takes tranny hooker to Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo: crickets
me: dude, this has been pretty damn press stopping
3:01 PM Manny: didn't make the times this morning
the one on the right
3:02 PM me: ha!

6 minutes
3:08 PM Manny: fox seems to make mistakes like this quite a bit: http://mediamatters.org/blog/200906240026
3:10 PM me: they're so subtle
3:11 PM Manny: in a normal, sane world, I wouldn't have to care about Gov. Sanford's love of argentine trannies
3:12 PM In a normal, sane world, the media would have mocked him for cutting unemployment benefits to try to score points of the stimulus package
me: indeed, but this is the FOX world
Manny: so, governor, you'd like to starve children to make some idiotic ideological point?

5 minutes
3:18 PM me: while absconding in the middle of a work week out of country without telling anyone where you are going...good thing there wasn't a huricaine, or shooting, or some other such you know, leadership requiring incident that you might have blamed on the obama administration
3:19 PM Manny: how hard is it to govern SC anyway?
You there, be more racist!
And you, go get some shrimp

if you say it, it will be so

1:58 PM
Manny: I heard one of the NPR announcers proclaim the recession over yesterday
I was like, that's a surprise
who knew?
here I thought a recession had a defined meaning
like torture
again, I was wrong
1:59 PM apparently, its a recession when an NPR reporter's 401k is tanking and she's worried about getting fired, but ceases to be a recession when her friends get fired and she can stay, and the stock market bounces back enough that she can go to Barney's again
2:00 PM I've been looking at the wrong data, you see
jobless numbers mean nothing
unless they are jobless NPR reporters
and the Baltic Dry index?
2:02 PM me: you are such a fool

5 minutes
2:07 PM Manny: I am silly
it is true
here I thought a recession was two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth

24 minutes
2:31 PM me: FOOL!
2:32 PM Manny: yes

and all he did was ask a good question for a change...

12 minutes
1:54 PM me: it's amazing how much the media likes to talk about themselves (and how much people, including us, like to talk about them talking about themselves)
Manny: hey, it's my industry
1:57 PM me: "Nonetheless, The Daily Show managed to provide access to compelling and notable figures, and Campbell Brown and Keith Olbermann managed to provide access to The Daily Show..."
ha ha ha
Manny: yeah
that's the funnty
1:58 PM me: that's definitely the funny

Feminism on the web: We love it, you should check it out

11:47 AM Manny: i went to the packaging girlhood site
11:48 AM I also am against the new Dora
11:49 AM me: if you read that site/book you will quickly be against everything
11:50 AM huggies, dora, jem--you name it
Manny: i was already against those things
I'm all about Amanda Marcotte and the Feministing blog
11:51 AM me: I am not familiar

11 minutes
12:03 PM Manny: www.pandagon.com
12:06 PM Me: did you read the pandagon comment on sanford? hysterical!

11 minutes
12:17 PM Manny: indeed
she's funny
don't call her toots
me: word
12:18 PM duly warned

Froomkin, the death of the post, and PAUL "are you kidding me!?" WOLFOWITZ

10:00 AM Manny:
J. Bradford DeLong is professor of economics at the University of California at Berkeley and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He chairs Berkeley's Political Economy major and from 1993-1995 he was deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury for economic policy.
10:04 AM me: Dude, they hired PAUL WOLFOWITZ!?
the post is a tragic joke
10:05 AM Manny: can't have too many republican voices
how will people internalize their bizarre views, without constant exposure to them?
me: I would think this tragedy was funny if it weren't for the dead bodies all over stage
10:06 AM Manny: yes
sucks to get one's legs blown off behind these a-holes
10:08 AM me: yes or to lose one's civil liberties or be trampled by the wealthy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

fact vs. opinion

11:11 AM me: related to our conversation about npr and torture from yesterday, an old Bunch post: http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/44423707.html
11:12 AM Manny: Dan F yet again
11:13 AM me: indeed
good thing the post fired his ass
11:14 AM Manny: moral clarity makes everyonee else look bad
don graham doesn't need that shit
me: that's so true
Manny: he needs his readers to feel serene in their assurance that their betters have everything all worked out
11:16 AM me: and that they will declare what is true and what is false for the benefit of all readers
Manny: the washpo let George Will make up fake data purporting to show that climate change isn't happening
11:17 AM it's opinion, they said
11:18 AM me: oh, obviously opinion. Science, philosophy, and politics are all the same thing my friend

15 minutes
11:34 AM Manny: and punditry
science is the same as punditry
11:35 AM me: of course, hence intelligent design

Sanford is back! Republican presidential candidates gone wild!

10:46 AM me: Dude. the republican presidential candidates are dropping like flies! Sanford was in BUENOS AIRES!? He was out of country and his own staff didn't know!? That's awesome.
10:47 AM Manny: name a republican leader who doesn't look like a creature from Dune
10:49 AM me: bobby jindal
Manny: bwap
the media makes him look more normal than he actually does
10:50 AM they let him, like bush, stand on crates to look taller and stuff
he's a freak
stone cold
me: ha
10:51 AM who is the senator who cheated on his wife with his staffer and then fired her and her husband again?
10:52 AM Manny: evelyn? Something like that
10:53 AM me: The stanford story has taken his story completely off the front pages. he's loving life. I can't find the spelling of his name anywhere. Ah, it's Ensign

the washington post in hell

17 minutes
12:15 PM me: That guy could be us
12:16 PM the point is, of course, totally correct, he's just in the sad, sudden-realization-of-truth-stage still
Manny: its true
and Dan Froomkin is fired

WOAH! Holy missing governor!

10:25 AM Manny: did you see that the gov of south carolina is missing?
me: what!?
10:26 AM Manny: mark sanford
his staff NOW says he's hiking
his wife didn't know
they ain't seen him in days

5 minutes
10:32 AM me: that's totally f-ing crazy

8 minutes
10:40 AM Manny: it is

NPR is liberal? Why can't they talk about all the TORTURE!?

9:31 AM Manny: I love Glen everyday, but this is also vg: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/06/22/npr/index.html
9:33 AM key question: How can you kill a detainee using interrogation tactics without torturing him?

13 minutes
9:47 AM me: no, I don't think so

26 minutes
10:13 AM Manny: NPR is an embarassment on this issue
as are the Times and the Post
I wouldn't have guessed our parents generation would be so quick to rationalize torture
10:14 AM me: dude, npr says "interrogation techniques that some have called torture"
10:15 AM Manny: some
like, you know, the red cross
some have called them "happy puppy tickles."
Like, the people guilty of commiting torture
and their daughter, Liz Cheney
me: ha
10:16 AM ha
the red cross is notoriously hard on peaceful interrogators dude
10:17 AM Manny: My first concert was the Amnesty international show in philly with Bruce and Sting
I never really imagined France holding one of those concerts for our people
10:22 AM me: and the French are exemplary in their treatment of people different from themselves
10:23 AM Manny: also the belgians
love the belgians
me: of course

why we like buffy and not twilight

3:15 PM Manny: this is f--ing fantastic
3:18 PM me: wild
welcome to the new entertainment world
Manny: buffy is a hilarious rebuke to everything in twilight
3:19 PM me: awesome commentary
Manny: everything about buffy rejects on of those mormonist premises
3:21 PM me: word
3:22 PM but dude, Twighlight captures the sexual aspirations of a generation of women doesn't it?
or is that the aspirations of predatory men? I can't remember
3:23 PM Manny: I think it was the 200 year old men who want to do 16 year old girls
buffy had a boyfriend like that
she stabbed him
me: oh yeah, they are an important tv watching audience
Manny: which is why my daughter will get buffy and not twilight for chanukkah
3:24 PM me: mine too. I like the buffy moral: she slept with him, he turned into a monster, she stabbed the shit out of him. the way it should be
3:25 PM Manny: buffy is essentially about girls finding power
twilight is about girls being whores
3:26 PM me: indeed. I haven't gotten there yet in Packaging Girlhood yet. Turns out they have a blog though.

froomkin gets fired...Well, we didn't think the post really planned on actually reporting facts about anything anyway

11:41 AM Manny: yes
me: I figured
Manny: I am aware of the Froomkin firing
me: another one bites the dust
11:42 AM did you read greenwald's comentary?
Manny: yeah, I have him on RSS
11:43 AM me: "Froomkin was one of the very few journalists working for an establishment outlet who understood and practiced the function of journalism...That's why he was an aberration -- and, to them, an unpleasant one."
Manny: yup
11:44 AM me: word
Manny: Will Bunch wrote about it too
11:45 AM Don't you know you don't need froomkin? You have the excellent reporters at the Times and the Post
11:46 AM me: excellent bombasts
11:47 AM Manny: John Harris, for example
that guy is really, really, really in touch with what David Broder and Cokie Roberts will say
11:48 AM me: ha
I always need someone to take of new what the news-thinker-inventors think
11:49 AM Manny: FYI, mickleson just eagled 15 to tie for the lead
11:50 AM me: I'm watching

Thursday, June 11, 2009

who's to blame for bad news?

12:41 PMMe: To me, the problem is only partially on the media end. much of the problem is the consumer and our obsession with things that aren't important, particularly our obsession with famous people and what they have to say (or just anyone on tv really
12:42 PM Manny: ah yes
but media constructs those people
12:43 PM me: true
Manny: media teaches us to value their appearance, and generates anxiety about ourselves useful for selling products
me: or at least they are co-constructive
Manny: it also begs for our attention, teaching us that our attention is the most freakin valuable thing in the world
12:44 PM not sure what that does, except create a world of people who are too cool for every school
foster wallace has a good essay on tv
that way
12:45 PM me: I like him
in his book?
12:46 PM Manny: a supposedly fun thing
I think I have your copy
he blames tv for irony being the default position of US youth
12:47 PM me: that's funny, I was just looking for it on my shelf
12:48 PM Manny: he's blaming tv for the existence of "My cousin, my gastronteologist"
12:49 PM which is prob fair enough
me: ha

5 minutes
12:54 PM me: from wikipedia: David Foster Wallace excerpts this novel in his essay "E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction", and presents it as an example of postmodern authors fully embracing the symbolism and style of channel surfing while eschewing the plot development and narrative of earlier literature. Wallace, critical of Leyner's superabundance of irony, also calls the book "dead on arrival."[1]

Ok, we revisit our complaints about the NYT once more...

9:52 AM me: we got a comment on the blog
it's from my friend in Afghanistan
9:53 AM Manny: You can tell him nobody's paying for that stuff
9:54 AM He loves war reporters
me: you mean the citizens won't pay?
Manny: obviously not
or they'd be paying now
9:55 AM me: Isn't it important and doesn't someone need to be doing it regardless
Manny: doing what?
me: People only pay for things that are stupid
Manny: There's a War On!
We're There Watching!
For exciting explosions, buy the times?
9:56 AM me: that's the point, someone needs to actually report on it
Manny: yes, and things that are worth paying for
but what are you learning?
The troops are brave?
People are dying?
that's not value added
me: no, you're learning how the taliban makes it's money off of drugs
Manny: Knew that
9:57 AM from 10 years ago
and defense department press releases
me: no, the question is how
9:58 AM how do they do it now?
How is it possible that the taliban still makes 600 million in opium sales a year?
Manny: geography, baby
9:59 AM me: so you're saying it's impossible to go after the drugs? That people don't know where they are? The taliban themselves do all the trafficking from the farm on, how fucking hard can it be to catch them?
10:00 AM Manny: I'm saying what do we learn?
We can't stop drugs at the mexican border
Or Port Elizabeth
And narcocartels really suck
me: I would like investigative journalists in those places figuring out what the fuck is going on also
10:01 AM Manny: what do you think is going on?
People are getting blowed up.
often by our well-meaning, lower soci-economic status teens
or blowing them up in return
war is kinda the same
people die horribly
10:02 AM me: That part I know and I understand it pretty well because of the work of, in part, journalists
Manny: really?
me: I think so
10:03 AM Manny:our newspapers cheerlead for warthen, make some additional money selling us pictures of them
me: It's true, they do
Manny: then make some other money criticizing them later
but not much money
10:04 AM me: but you're saying they do nothing else of value? forcing the issue on detainee abuse or some other shit that actually might get changed isn't occasionally worth it?
Manny: I'm sorry? Did the times force that issue? Did I miss that?
me: I'm just saying
Manny: They can't even say "torture."
10:05 AM me: Listen, I agree, but the question he raises is specifically about the value of a certain kind of work that only these journalists support.
I mean these papers
the journalists
Manny: yes, like the Boston Globe
10:06 AM me: right
Manny: Dexter Filkins will get a job
I'm not worried about it
so will CJ Chivers
he was in the marines
people will cover the war
they think it's romantic
10:07 AM me: well, it is kind of serious also. People die. I want to know something about it from someone who was there. Also, what about the guy covering the cop beat at the globe. he's switching professions right?
10:08 AM Manny: A few points: 1) the quote the reader is attributing to me (and was erroneously attributed to me on this blog) is actually from Al Giordano (http://narcosphere.narconews.com/thefield/black-and-white-and-dead-all-over)
10:09 AM 2) most news was and is crap
90 percent of your daily paper is filler
the times has good arts and foreign coverage
10:10 AM its other work duplicates the work of 100 places, including wire services, smaller papers, USA Hooray and so on
I'm not giving the times a trophy for their war coverage
10:11 AM that's what they do
10:12 AM me: You mean in pj's comment? Am I missing quotation marks?
or do you mean he's mis-atributing?
10:13 AM I agree basically with everything you say here. I also think that someone will cover the police if there's value in it.
10:14 AM Manny: there's value in it
just not in the bundled product
people used to buy a package with the paper -- arts, foreign, classifieds
the sum was greater than the parts
me: right. Someone, perhaps our friend, will also cover the war
Manny: yes
or generals will start blogging
me: right
10:15 AM or just everyone will
you will need sorting mechanisms ever more and not bundles
10:16 AM Manny: or afghanis who are getting blowed up
bloomberg doesn't, in theory, cover anything that doesn't immediately make money
me: so, not schools

9 minutes
10:26 AM Manny: sure
ed will be covered by and for those interested
10:27 AM me: of course
Manny: papers used to leverage the part of people would pay for -- crosswords, classifieds, celebrity nipple slips -- to pay for the stuff they wouldn't
that's not going to work anymore
its safd
it's just over
10:28 AM people WOULD pay to watch things blow up for awhile
when we first started blowing people up
10:29 AM me: right
10:31 AM it's not really a question of value, although there is a serious value problem, it's really a question of reality and economics
hence, the success of the sorting mechanism
10:33 AM Manny: The People have already proven they prefer TMZ.com to policy debates
take a look at the most-emailed list at the times
CJ rarely makes the cut
10:35 AM I don't even know what I'm arguing here, just that the economic model is not good for times-style, parachute journalism
you know what's cheap? Hearing from actual afghans
which, when they get electricity, we eventually will
10:36 AM the internet is great at putting me directly in touch with experts
10:37 AM me: I agree
10:42 AM Manny: I'm just saying that the world our friend and I trained for at J-school no longer exists
Dexter Filkins won't be the last war dude, but he'll be the last one sucking down metro dept resources while he globe-trots
10:43 AM people always want to cover war
it's harder to get them to want to cover the school board
me: word

6 minutes
10:49 AM Manny: the other thing about our friend's argument is that the times is necessary because it employs good journalists
10:50 AM that's a tautology
good journalists are neccessary
Times Corp.'s debt is not
nor is their ownership of the Boston Red Sox
or a billion-dollar office tower they couldn't afford
10:51 AM in fact, the providence journal used to bring me the work of CJ Chivers
me: word
10:53 AM Manny: the only story on the front page of the web site right now that is "unique'' to the times is one about gay couples heading to greenwich to get married
10:54 AM the rest of it is the same stuff we're covering
and AP
and reuters
and the bloody huffington post
10:57 AM Printed without irony in today's story about a jailed American student studying in Italy:
Knox may not feel the same way. She spent nearly a year in jail without being charged. This, despite the fact that the only physical evidence found on the murder victim’s body was from someone else – a drifter with a drug problem named Rudy Guede.
Oh no! Italy locks people up without charging them!
America would never do that
12:36 PM me: dude, like none of my students ever get locked up without cause
Also, we don't just sometimes go grab italian nationals off the street and take them to secret CIA jail
12:37 PM Manny: what our friend isnt yet cynical enough to believe is that the media is hopelessly middlebrow, even at the highest end
12:38 PM its all about our team, our world, it has very narrow limits and no imagination
12:39 PM me: I agree, that's why new sources will emerge to some extent and people will continue to get crappy news to some extent