Wednesday, June 24, 2009

NPR is liberal? Why can't they talk about all the TORTURE!?

9:31 AM Manny: I love Glen everyday, but this is also vg:
9:33 AM key question: How can you kill a detainee using interrogation tactics without torturing him?

13 minutes
9:47 AM me: no, I don't think so

26 minutes
10:13 AM Manny: NPR is an embarassment on this issue
as are the Times and the Post
I wouldn't have guessed our parents generation would be so quick to rationalize torture
10:14 AM me: dude, npr says "interrogation techniques that some have called torture"
10:15 AM Manny: some
like, you know, the red cross
some have called them "happy puppy tickles."
Like, the people guilty of commiting torture
and their daughter, Liz Cheney
me: ha
10:16 AM ha
the red cross is notoriously hard on peaceful interrogators dude
10:17 AM Manny: My first concert was the Amnesty international show in philly with Bruce and Sting
I never really imagined France holding one of those concerts for our people
10:22 AM me: and the French are exemplary in their treatment of people different from themselves
10:23 AM Manny: also the belgians
love the belgians
me: of course

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