Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I found the funny! It's with governor Sanford!

2:35 PM
This should have been posted last week, but it's too funny not to post it now. Enjoy.

From Duncan Black:
"Deep Thought
I had no idea that the Appalachian Trail went all the way to Argentina.

Slightly more seriously thought: one conceit journalists have is that sources can't lie to them because if they do they will use their power to punish those who lied to them. This never actually seems to happen."
2:40 PM
2:50 PM dude, he was nailing an argentine tranny he met on myspace

5 minutes
2:56 PM
me: this is getting more and more hysterical!
2:59 PM Manny: won't matter
he'll stay governor
only republicans can act like that
because the media expects it
John Edwards affair: big news
Eliot Spitzer: stop the presses
3:00 PM david vitter takes tranny hooker to Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo: crickets
me: dude, this has been pretty damn press stopping
3:01 PM Manny: didn't make the times this morning
the one on the right
3:02 PM me: ha!

6 minutes
3:08 PM Manny: fox seems to make mistakes like this quite a bit: http://mediamatters.org/blog/200906240026
3:10 PM me: they're so subtle
3:11 PM Manny: in a normal, sane world, I wouldn't have to care about Gov. Sanford's love of argentine trannies
3:12 PM In a normal, sane world, the media would have mocked him for cutting unemployment benefits to try to score points of the stimulus package
me: indeed, but this is the FOX world
Manny: so, governor, you'd like to starve children to make some idiotic ideological point?

5 minutes
3:18 PM me: while absconding in the middle of a work week out of country without telling anyone where you are going...good thing there wasn't a huricaine, or shooting, or some other such you know, leadership requiring incident that you might have blamed on the obama administration
3:19 PM Manny: how hard is it to govern SC anyway?
You there, be more racist!
And you, go get some shrimp

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