Tuesday, June 30, 2009

if you say it, it will be so

1:58 PM
Manny: I heard one of the NPR announcers proclaim the recession over yesterday
I was like, that's a surprise
who knew?
here I thought a recession had a defined meaning
like torture
again, I was wrong
1:59 PM apparently, its a recession when an NPR reporter's 401k is tanking and she's worried about getting fired, but ceases to be a recession when her friends get fired and she can stay, and the stock market bounces back enough that she can go to Barney's again
2:00 PM I've been looking at the wrong data, you see
jobless numbers mean nothing
unless they are jobless NPR reporters
and the Baltic Dry index?
2:02 PM me: you are such a fool

5 minutes
2:07 PM Manny: I am silly
it is true
here I thought a recession was two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth

24 minutes
2:31 PM me: FOOL!
2:32 PM Manny: yes

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